Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Allergic Owners


Available in three sizes, Poodles have curly, non-shedding coats that produce less dander, making them highly hypoallergenic.

Bichon Frise

With their curly, dense coat, Bichon Frises produce minimal dander and are less likely to trigger allergies.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies have a fine, human-like hair coat that sheds minimally, reducing allergen exposure.


Known for their long, silky hair, Maltese dogs shed very little and produce less dander, making them hypoallergenic.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus have a long, flowing coat that sheds minimally and produces less dander, making them suitable for allergy sufferers.

Portuguese Water Dog

Their curly, non-shedding coat makes Portuguese Water Dogs a great choice for those with allergies.


Available in miniature, standard, and giant sizes, Schnauzers have a wiry coat that sheds minimally and produces less dander.


With their silky, non-shedding coat, Havanese dogs produce less dander and are ideal for allergic owners.

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