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8 Houseplants Even Beginners Can Care For

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Snake Plants

While exotic plants like orchids are famous for their beauty and rich colors, they're not at the top of our list for beginner-friendly flowers.

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Aloe Vera

Because aloe vera plants are technically succulents, they require minimal maintenance. In the winter months when sunlight is more scarce, aloe only needs to be watered every two weeks.

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ZZ Plant

ZZ plants boast a deep lush green color with glossy leaves that grow vertically. Because the plant is tropical originating from places like Eastern Africa it can tolerate a bit of a drought.

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Pothos Neon

Known for their bright green heart-shaped leaves, Pothos Neon are one of the favorites amongst beginners and master gardeners alike.

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Philodendron Brandtianum

In the world of houseplants, one thing is known to be true, philodendrons are some of the easiest plants to grow and the hardest to kill.

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Ficus Bonsai

Who wouldn't want to have a miniature tree in their home? The Ficus Bonsai is a Japanese plant known for bringing peace and health to a space.

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Spider Plant

Spider plants are one of the most common types of house plants. They are easy to grow and can thrive in almost all conditions.

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African Violet

Spider plants are one of the most common types of house plants. They are easy to grow and can thrive in almost all conditions.

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