Poodles are highly intelligent, versatile, and known for their curly, hypoallergenic coat. They require regular grooming but shed minimally, making them great for allergy sufferers.
Bichons have a curly coat that doesn't shed much and produces fewer allergens. They are cheerful, affectionate dogs that enjoy being part of a family.
Maltese dogs have long, silky hair that is hypoallergenic and sheds minimally. They are gentle, affectionate companions that thrive on human interaction.
Shih Tzus have a long, flowing coat that sheds minimally and is considered hypoallergenic. They are affectionate and loyal dogs that enjoy indoor activities.
Yorkies have a long, silky coat that sheds very little and is hypoallergenic. They are energetic, affectionate dogs that adapt well to apartment living.
Havanese dogs have a soft, silky coat that is hypoallergenic and sheds minimally. They are cheerful, adaptable dogs that enjoy being with their families.
Known for their curly, waterproof coat, Portuguese Water Dogs shed minimally and are considered hypoallergenic. They are energetic, intelligent dogs that enjoy water activities.
Mini Schnauzers have a wiry, hypoallergenic coat that sheds very little. They are spirited, intelligent dogs that are great for families and singles alike.