Choosing Your Friendly Big Dog Breed

Labrador Retriever

Known for their friendly and outgoing nature, Labs are affectionate, easy to train, and enjoy being around people of all ages.

Golden Retriever

Gentle, tolerant, and eager to please, Goldens are friendly with both family members and strangers, making them excellent companions.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Affectionate and calm, Berners are known for their gentle demeanor and love for family, making them great for households with children.


Playful, loyal, and protective, Boxers are friendly with their families and are known for their clownish personalities.

Great Dane

Despite their size, Danes are gentle giants known for their friendly and affectionate nature towards their families.

Standard Poodle

Intelligent, trainable, and elegant, Poodles are friendly and adaptable, making them great companions for families.


Loving, loyal, and calm, Bulldogs are known for their affection towards their families and are good with children.


Gentle, intelligent, and loyal, Collies are friendly and protective towards their families, making them excellent companions.

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