Labs are versatile hunting dogs known for their retrieving abilities and love for water. They excel in waterfowl hunting and are intelligent, loyal companions for outdoor adventures.
Gentle and friendly, Golden Retrievers are excellent hunting companions known for their retrieving skills. They are versatile dogs that excel in upland game bird hunting and enjoy outdoor activities.
Athletic and versatile, German Shorthaired Pointers are popular hunting dogs known for their stamina and keen sense of smell. They excel in both upland bird hunting and waterfowl retrieval.
Energetic and enthusiastic, English Springer Spaniels are skilled flushing dogs that excel in upland game bird hunting. They are loyal companions known for their agility and stamina.
Athletic and versatile, Vizslas are Hungarian hunting dogs known for their agility and stamina. They are skilled pointers and retrievers that excel in upland game bird hunting and enjoy outdoor adventures.
Weimaraners are versatile hunting dogs known for their speed and endurance. They are skilled pointers and retrievers that excel in upland game bird hunting and enjoy outdoor activities.
Chesapeakes are strong and resilient hunting dogs known for their retrieving skills in waterfowl hunting. They are loyal companions with a strong work ethic for outdoor adventures.
Elegant and athletic, Irish Setters are skilled hunting dogs known for their keen sense of smell and endurance. They excel in upland game bird hunting and enjoy outdoor activities with their owners.