Renowned for their intelligence, athleticism, and intense work ethic, Border Collies are often considered the top breed for agility. They excel in agility courses due to their speed, agility, and ability to learn complex tasks quickly.
Energetic, agile, and highly trainable, Australian Shepherds thrive in agility training. They are known for their versatility and willingness to work closely with their handlers, making them popular in agility competitions.
Agile and intelligent, Shelties are quick learners and excel in agility courses. They are enthusiastic workers and enjoy the mental and physical challenges agility training provides.
Despite their small size, Papillons are agile, energetic, and love agility challenges. They are known for their athleticism, speed, and ability to navigate agility obstacles with grace and precision.
Full of energy and enthusiasm, Jack Russells are natural athletes and excel in agility training. They are fearless, agile, and enjoy the mental stimulation and physical activity agility courses offer.
Compact and agile, Border Terriers are known for their determination and agility skills. They are quick learners and thrive in agility training with their high energy levels and strong prey drive.
Poodles are highly intelligent, trainable, and excel in agility due to their athleticism and versatility. They are agile jumpers and fast runners, making them competitive in agility competitions.
Known for their intelligence, athleticism, and strong work ethic, Belgian Malinois excel in agility training. They are fast learners and enjoy the physical and mental challenges agility courses provide.